Exploring the Details of a Single PDSA Cycle
Participants will understand the purpose and parts of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles, review a PDSA cycle used in practice, and develop the Plan section for a cycle to be tried in a system.
Model for Improvement: PDSA Cycles
Learn about the purpose of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles and appreciate the deductive and inductive parts of PDSA cycles. Viewers will reflect on who is participating in the improvement journey as well as what methods might be used to source change ideas.
Model for Improvement: Our Engine for Change
Learn about the Model for Improvement, including the use of the ‘three questions’ to organize improvement efforts. Viewers will appreciate the value of the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle in generating learning about their systems.
Chartering an Improvement Journey
This video reviews the basic outline of what should be included in a project charter.
The Standardization Paradox
There seems to be a deep aversion to the idea of standardization in education. I sense it is because when educators think of standardization they think of examples such as “scripted curriculums” and “teacher proofing.” Their reaction may stem from two common beliefs: each student is unique, and each teacher is a craftsman…
What can we do more effectively to implement and hold the gains?
Sustaining change in systems is hard. This session focuses on five elements of systems important to address when sustaining redesign efforts is needed.
Process Improvement Theory and Application
This lecture on process improvement theory and application introduces the PDSA (plan—do—study—act) model and describes its application in healthcare settings.